IT-Tage 2021
IT Tage is a conference for software development, architecture, AI, databases, DevOps and agile for the german speaking IT world
GitOps mit GitLab: DevSecOps, Source Code Handling und CI/CD
Workflows CI
- The later you fix security the more it costs
- Add security scanning to process → code might be manipulated not only dependencies
Conversational Development
- Slice and deploy changes instead of features, improving feedback loop
- Deploying to rush hour is better than deploying on less frequent times → better and clearer feedback from usage
- Gitlab records presentations beforehand and does Q&A async → this way anyone can watch stuff when he has time
- Open communication is always preferred if possible → no 1:1 chats when discussing features/changes
- Build EVERYTHING together, one feedback loop for all stages
Domain-driven Design für Legacy-Systeme
- Build a bubble inside the old monolith → small change and get some experience
- Expose legacy as services → easier to replace and modernize
- Extract step by step → clear value for business
- Build new data model and translate in separate layer to legacy → new and old in same application
- Data models should be split (also step by step)
Gute Programmierer – schlechte Software. Warum Software selten dem Stand der Technik entspricht
- “Stand der Technik” ist not always the latest and greatest
- build minimal solutions that work for the use case
- at delivery the dependencies MUST be up to date
- :warning: violations can end up in law suits
API-Design oder: Wie stelle ich sicher, dass meine Anwendung unwartbar wird?
- always develop consumer driven (pact seems to be only tool available cross tooling)
- it doesn’t have to be always HTTP/REST
- APIs can/should also be organized by domain or even consumer to make changes easier
- Prod is not always the right stage for chaos engineering
Wie die NASA mich für eine Qualitätsworkshop-Methode inspirierte
Quality Storming
- empty room → better mental setting
- all participants should be equal (no manager etc)
- include equal amount of business people (e. g. sales, devs)
- moderation is key
- understand what the current status of the process is, NOT what it SHOULD be
- define input and output to make the journey and bounds clear
- event stream should be in format “verb norm” e. g. Run tests
- participant count should be min 5 but at most 10
Making errors and improving the handling
- the awareness of mistakes gets less over time
- find errors in the process without blaming
- the longer you make a mistake the harder it gets to learn from it
- minimize time to error discovery
Making processes understandable
- BPMN makes it easier to talk about processes than other modelling languages or custom boards
DevOps-Geschichten aus dem wahren Leben
- prevent “single person of knowledge”
- migrate complex parts first
- person with less knowledge always types in pair programming
Keycloak.X: Keycloak ist tot – es lebe Keycloak!
- providers etc wont change
- ~ 2022 Keycloak won’t be supported anymore → RH SSO till 2024
- FINALLY metrics integrated without 3rd party
- base path can be added with QUARKUS_HTTP_ROOT_PATH → no longer /auth in front
- profile support (like spring boot)
Inspiriert programmieren! Kreativitäts-Tipps für den Entwickler-Alltag
- write down all ideas (even if they are stupid)
- get into inspirative situations (analyze situations)
Die 7 Anti-Pattern für gute Architekturdokumentationen – Meisterwerk oder Groschenroman?
- become independent of availability of persons
- in good company with ADRs
- package mapping in docs
Anti Patterns
- document after the change is implemented → loss of context
- only technical docs
- document functionality
- data decomposition and structure
- no “devtime” documentation
- over focused on templates
- can and should be extended to be more useful
- focus on the reader not the format
- too complex diagrams
- legend
- concise
- no auto-layout
Gute Legacy? Schlechte Legacy?
Microservices: Wo sind meine Transaktionen und meine Konsistenz hin?
- solutions are available but leaky, not reliable
- bounded contexts are the only real solution
- error handling as process step e. g. when something fails do the business case rollback => nothing in stock after order? - go the journey back and replace item in order with voucher etc
- “SAGA”:
Authentizität im Job – tut das weh?
- learn from other people is not always copying as long if its not only one person
- new roles might require change in personality or behaviour
Weil jeder anders tickt – Best Practices zum Miteinander in interdisziplinären Teams
- education has no influence on diversity
- co-location is not blocking productivity at all
Microfrontends – Konzept, Umsetzung und Anwendung in großen IT-Projekten
- server side includes can be combined with custom elements → SEO + reactivity
- webpack 5 has a solution → unstable for prod
- cross team architecture board helps
- namespaces are mandatory and make trouble shooting easier
- preact, hyperapp or other small frameworks should be used → smaller bundle size
- only makes sense for larger projects
Projekt Onboarding in Zeiten von Corona
DevOps als Enabler für Agilität
- deploy more often and even smaller
- cross-functional teams are the way to go
- Commits → conventional
- track deployment frequency is important
DSGVO: Anonymisierung von heterogenen Test-Datenbanken und -Filesystemen
- attacking testing sytems is more common than expected
- maybe lower standards
- not all data is anonymized